I think of musical space as open rather than bounded, which is why I speak about projection in the sense that I want to simply project a sound, a musical thought, to initiate it, and then let it take its own course.
Edgard Varèse

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Blurred Edges Festival
Do. 13.06.24 18 Uhr
Seminarraum Gängeviertel, Hamburg

Invisible Ink is a new program inspired by the Fluxus composers and concrete poets of the early 1960s. A fleeting swirl of text becomes the basis for an entire improvised sound world where electronics, objects, instruments, voices and movements meet.

To learn more about the ideas behind the works performed, a collection of books, scores, artworks and objects are on display around the room. Take the time to look at these with a drink from the bar before the performance begins. Doors open at 5:30pm, and we recommend booking tickets in advance as there are limited spaces.

STRUCTURES – Melbourne '66 | Melbourne Recital Centre

SESSIONS – New York '57 | Melbourne Recital Centre

SCRAP MUSEUM | Melbourne Fringe Festival, Bakehouse Studios

Postcard designs: Chrissy Chan

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Image design: Charles MacInnes

Ensemble Density

Charles MacInnes
musical director

Joseph Cannella | Bassoon
Uwe Haas | Electronics
Alexina Hawkins | Viola
Jörg Hochapfel | Keyboards
Mutsumi Kobayashi | Objects
Michael Leuschner | Flügelhorn

Australian players (in above image)

Tristram Williams

Jeremy Alsop
bass guitar

Steve Falk

Nikki Edgar

Peter Neville

Helen Bower

Tony Hicks

Michael Kieran Harvey

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Photo: Chrissy Chan

Founded by Melbourne composer and trombonist Charles MacInnes, Ensemble Density is a collective of leading instrumentalists specialising in the performance of improvised contemporary art music. Compositional responsibility is distributed evenly amongst each of the musical identities in the group, and each performance is presented as a collaborative process involving musician, listener, context, acoustic and medium – each with a distinctive creative voice.

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Photos (and banner image): Glenn Taylor

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